Mealtime Brown – Fresh Beet Suite


Fresh Beet Suite is a compilation of beats and grooves I created on my Korg Triton through the years.  Some of these tracks have second lives as full songs with vocals and have appeared or will appear on various albums by me and other artists.


Back in the day I was a full production recording studio and I made beats for local rappers in Athens, Georgia.  During that time period I worked with 60 different rap artists, recording, writing, photographing and doing design work for their cd projects.

This album isn’t limited to just hip hop, you’ll find that it has lots of different flavors including some suped-up classical sounds which is my music of choice these days.

To buy and listen to the entire album click here!

Welcome to Chris I'm an old school independent artist with lots of albums, songs, solar panels etc. This site tries to encapsulate what it is I've been doing since I played my first professional gig at 13. I post a song of the day occasionally from my somewhat excessive original song catalogue and I'm constantly recording new material when I'm not building solar farms, trying to play golf or tennis or taking care of my new twin girls.